Under Construction Ships

The Shipping Act, 1998, accommodates a boat to be enrolled in Grenada while under development. This arrangement serves fundamentally to encourage the security of home loans against the vessel, during the time of development (and past). Endless supply of development, the vessel, just as any specialist contract, might be moved to the individual register of boats. Where such an exchange of home loan is done, the home loan will hold its need appreciated while the vessel was under development.

An application for the enlistment of a Ship Under Construction requires the accommodation of the accompanying records :

  1. An Application for Registration and Notice of Name of a Ship Under Construction.
  2. Interval Builder's Certificate
  3. Company documents :
    1. Certificate of Incorporation or Similar Documents of Establishment
    2. Notice of Directors or Similar Documents
    3. Certificate of Good Standing
  4. Power of Attorney (where relevant)
  5. Mortgage Deed

For the lasting enrollment of the endless supply of development, any remaining necessities to encourage the full accreditation of such a vessel inactivity, should be satisfied.